来源:常非 发稿时间:2023-5-5 10:43:00 浏览次数:782
配合教学课程:设计制造I 机械设计基础
实验教学大纲(course syllabus) |
*实验名称 (Course Name) |
减速器设计与分析实验 |
The Design of Mechanical Equipment and Experimental Analysis |
教学课程代码 (Course Code) |
ME316 |
*课程学时 (Credit Hours) |
64 |
*实验学时 (Class Hours) |
4 |
授课教师 (Lecturer) |
郑文、林艳萍、庄春刚等 |
实验负责教师 (Mentor) |
刘振峰 |
实验学生 (Audience) |
二年级本科生 |
授课语言 (Language of Instruction) |
中文 |
*开课院系 (School) |
机械与动力工程学院/School of Mechanical Engineering 材料科学与工程学院/ School of Materials Science Engineering 船建海洋与建筑工程学院/ School of Naval Architecture,Ocean&Civil Engineering |
先修课程基础 (Prerequisite) |
工程学导论 / Introduction to Engineering |
*实验简介(Description) |
机械设备结构设计与分析实验是设计与制造I与机械设计基础课程的基础实验环节之一,属于必修实验课。减速器是现实生活中广泛使用的一种机械设备,主要用于将原动机的转速与转矩传递给工作机,以降低转速,增大转矩。其结构设计主要包括传动件设计(直齿轮、斜齿轮,锥齿轮,蜗杆等)、支撑件设计(轴、轴承等)、箱体设计及密封等,是培养学生首次独立完成设计任务的良好参照设备。 由于学生是首次独立进行机械设计,对齿轮结构、加工工艺、装配工艺不熟悉;对轴的结构、加工过程、选材、热处理不熟悉;对箱体结构、铸造(焊接)过程不熟悉;对轴承型号选择、密封形式选择、联接件选择与安装没有经验。所以让学生亲自动手进行减速器实物拆装并加以整体设计是十分必要的。通过简单机械设备的拆装与设计实验,可以使学生对设备整体结构及各个零部件有更加直观的认识,进一步了解和掌握各零部件的结构意义、加工工艺、安装方法及机械设备设计过程等。尤其是运动件与运动件之间的安装要求、运动件与固定件之间的安装要求、轴承的拆装等,通过拆装与设计实验,可加深学生对理论课程知识的理解与应用。 |
*实验简介(Description) |
The design of mechanical equipment and analysis experiment is one of the required experiments for the Design and Manufacture I and the Introduction of Mechanical Design courses. The reducer is a kind of mechanical equipment widely used in real life, which can reduce the speed and increase the torque. The reducer structures designed includes: the design of power train parts (gear, helical gear, bevel gear, worm, etc.), support parts (shaft, bearings, etc.), reducer box and sealing, etc. It is a good reference equipment for students the first time to finish the design task. Because it is the first time for students to design independently, they are not familiar with the design of gear structure, machining process, assembly process, the shaft structure, process, materials selected, heat treatment .also with the case structure, casting (welding) process , bearing types and seal form selection, etc. No experience with installation. It is necessary for students to do this experiment.which students can learn more about the overall structure of equipment and each parts, to further understand and grasp the various parts of the machining process, installation method and mechanical equipment design process. Especially in the installation requirements between the moving parts and moving parts, moving parts and fixing parts, bearings assembly and disassembly. Through the experiment, students can understand the theory of curriculum knowledge deeply. |
*实验教学目标(Learning Outcomes) |
*实验内容及要求 (Class Schedule &Requirements) |
(1)实验内容 分析比较几种减速器设备的结构特性;装拆一种减速器,目测减速器中主要零部件的基本尺寸,测量这些尺寸并与目测值比较;绘制轴系及轴承部件的结构图。 (2)实验要求 通过实验要求学生熟悉减速器设备的基本结构,了解常用减速器的用途与特点;熟悉各零件和附件的名称、形状、用途及装配关系;了解齿轮的固定方式及安装顺序、轴承的安装尺寸与拆装方法;提高学生对零部件尺寸的目测和测量计算能力。 |
实验教学工具与设备 (Tools&Equipments) |
1.单级直齿、斜齿圆柱齿轮减速器 2.双级直齿、斜齿圆柱齿轮减速器 3.圆锥-圆柱齿轮减速器 4.蜗杆减速器等实物及各种类型减速器模型 |
*考核方式 (Grading) |
1.实验完成后,每人按要求上交实验报告一份。 2.按照实验课堂的表现及实验报告评定成绩:优、良、中、及格、不及格(实验操作50%+实验数据处理与报告撰写50%),纳入所属课程期末考核成绩中。 |
*实验指导教材或参考资料 (Textbooks & Other Materials) |
实验指导教材:自编实验指导书 参考资料:
4.《机械设计基础》,杨可桢、程光蕴、李仲生、钱瑞明,高等教育出版社,2013,第六版,9787040376241 |
备注 (Notes) |